Introduction to Projects
Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan and Europe
Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan and Asia
Traditional Japanese Theatre Studies-text and image-
Research on modernization of Japanese theatre
HOME > Theatre Museum Research Drama |
Theatre Museum Research |
> Director
Hirokazu AKIBA
> Research Organization
Hirokazu AKIBA |
Professor, Waseda University; Vice-Director
of the
Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum |
Professor, Waseda University; Director of the
Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum |
Masako YAGI |
Lecturer, Waseda University |
Staff, the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum |
Research Associate, The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre
Museum |
> Studies for This Year
What is the role of theatre museum today? How
can the theatre museum function as a crossroad of theatre research?
In a short and long range the theatre museum should find new needs,
be open more effectively to the public, and construct interactive
relationships with researchers, other institutes and the theatre industry
on various levels.
Because of the increasing diversity of performing arts, the change
of research methodology, innovation of technology and the specificity
of the field, there are many difficulties in developing the activities
of the theatre museum more dynamically. But these difficulties can
become also possibilities.
In this context, this project refers to the activities of theatre
museums (and their libraries) in Japan and abroad and tries to build
a network , and studies the role of theatre museums today.
> Research Plans for This Year
We define theatre museums as institutions (library,
museum or resource centre) and organizations concerned with documentations
of performing arts. This year we have two projects: studies on theatre
museums in 1) Japan and 2) abroad.
1) We study institutions, organizations or individuals concerned with
the documentations of performing arts in Japan i.e. their actual and
future problems (materials, digitalization etc.). A workshop with
them would be possible, and it could be also useful to exchange materials
with library/museum that do not concern with theatre.
2) We study theatre museums abroad and establish contacts with them.
It is also important to inform theatre museums in the world about
activities of our Theatre Museum (En-Paku) . Last year our museum
joined SIBMAS (International Association of Libraries and Museums
of the Performing Arts), and this year we participate and hold a presentation
in the SIBMAS-Congresses 2006 (Vienna, 28th August - 1st September).
This is a first step in the construction of an international network.
> Activity Report