Home On Academic Frontiers Promotion Programme Introduction to Projects Activity Reports 1998-2002 Activity Reports

Introduction to Projects

Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan and Europe
Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan and Asia
Traditional Japanese Theatre Studies-text and image-
Research on modernization of Japanese theatre
 HOME > Fundamental Research into Theatre Administration
Fundamental Research into Theatre Administration
> Director

> Research Organization
Researcher Affiliation
TAKEMOTO Mikio Professor,Director of The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
DOI Miwako The Association of Public Theaters and Halls in Japan
ODASHIMA Koushi Professor,Waseda University Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences
MIYAZAKI Toshiki Visiting Lecturer ,Waseda University The Institute for Theatre Research
NAKAMURA Masayuki Vice Director,The Yokohama Noh Theater

> The Objectives of the Study
The objective for this year will be a cooperation between the fields of theatre and researchers. We aim to find a common ground between theoretical research and practical research, and to find new ways for doing research that will integrate both of them with balance. In the future, this research will include cooperative projects with National Public Theatres. This research should be considered as preparation for future research – The studies of Cultural Environment for Theatre – for the 21st Century COE program.

> Studies for This Year
Visit of domestic theatres and interviews with persons in charge of theatre management are the main part of activities.Several meetings for the presentation of the research and discussion will be held. Due to limited budget, national and public theatres located in Tokyo area such as the Setagaya Public Theatre, the Yokohama Noh Theater, the New National Theatre of Tokyo etc. are the main objects of our research, while we are planning to visit one or two theatres located in local cities. The detailed plan is as follows:

Jul First meeting for fixing the annual schedule
Aug Workshop with The Yokohama Noh theater for study on various issues
in manager appointment system
Oct Visit to local public theatres (intending to visit cultural facilities in the Nagano Prefecture)
Dec Workshop for studying the current situation of the Setagaya Public Theatre
Feb Workshop for study the New National Theatre of Tokyo’s future conceptions

> Activity Report

Project: Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan, Asia, and Europe,
The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
1-6-1 Nishi-waseda,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 169-8050 TEL.03-5286-1829
Copyright 2003 The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, all rights reserved
Project: Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan, Asia, and Europe E-mail us