Home On Academic Frontiers Promotion Programme Introduction to Projects Activity Reports 1998-2002 Activity Reports

Introduction to Projects

Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan and Europe
Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan and Asia
Traditional Japanese Theatre Studies-text and image-
Research on modernization of Japanese theatre
 HOME > Research on Wenmingxi: Early Chinese spoken drama and its related fields
Research on Wenmingxi: Early Chinese spoken drama and its related fields
> Director

> Research Organization
Researcher Affiliation
HIRABAYASHI Norikazu Assistant Professer,Waseda University
IIZUKA Yutori Professer,Chuou University
SETO Hiroshi Professer,Setsunan University
MATSUURA Tsuneo Professer,Osaka City Unibersity
SUZUKI Naoko Lecturer,Tokyo Woman's Cristian University
KIMURA Ayako Visiting research assistant,Waseda University Theatre Musuam COE
TAMURA Yoko Research assistant,Waseda University Theatre Musuam

> Studies for This Year
1. To analyse the process of the emergence of Chinese spoken drama from the traditional Chinese drama (Xiqu), and its development into the modern Chinese performances (Spoken drama, Huaju).
The study will focus on the relation of Wenmingxi and Japanese drama, and Chunliushe, an organisation founded in Japan.
2. To closely examine the three periods of Wenmingxi : the period of prosperity during the 1910s, the period of decline in the 1920s, and the revival of Wenmingxi as popular or dialect spoken drama in the 50s and the 60s.
3. To identify the influence of Wenmingxi on traditional Chinese drama and on Chinese films.

> Activity Report

Project: Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan, Asia, and Europe,
The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
1-6-1 Nishi-waseda,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 169-8050 TEL.03-5286-1829
Copyright 2003 The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, all rights reserved
Project: Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan, Asia, and Europe E-mail us