Home On Academic Frontiers Promotion Programme Introduction to Projects Activity Reports 1998-2002 Activity Reports

Introduction to Projects

Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan and Europe
Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan and Asia
Traditional Japanese Theatre Studies-text and image-
Research on modernization of Japanese theatre
 HOME > The Gidayubushi Shôhon Association
The Gidayubushi Shôhon Association
> Director

> Research Organization
Researcher Affiliation
KOUZU Takeo Waseda University COE Visiting Lecturer
TAKUSAGAWA Mizuki Waseda University Graduate Student
IIJIMA Mitsuru National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo Chief Researcher
IKEYAMA Akira Daito Bunka University Professor
UCHIYAMA Mikiko Waseda University Professor
KAWAGUCHI Setsuko Waseda University COE Visiting Lecturer
KUROISHI Yoko Tokyo Gakugei University Professor
SAKAMOTO Kiyoe Japan Women’s University Professor
SAKURAI Hiroshi National Theatre Full-time Staff
TORIGOE Bunzo Waseda University Emeritus Professor
HIGASHI Harumi Toho Gakuen University Part-time Lecturer
FUCHIDA Yusuke National Theatre Full-time Staff
YAMANOUCHI Eimei Kaetsu Ariake junior & senior High School Full-time Lecture

> The Objectives of the Study
The Gidayubushi Shôhon Association aims to edit for the first time the comprehensive works of Gidayubushi Jôruri. The Association intends to provide high-quality reprints of them with the help of, not only literature, drama, Japanese language researchers, but also artists and Gidayu enthusiasts and to contribute largely for Japanese culture. Since the establishment of the Association, we have been engaged for eight years in researching a selection of original books and other textual materials. In this year, the Association is scheduled to publish six books as the outcomes of our research, from the First Volume ‘Shusseyakko osana-monogatari‘ to the Sixth Volume ‘Seiwa-genji jûgo-dan’, the First period the Twelfth volumes of The Collection of the Unreprinted Gidayu Jôruri Works by the Tamagawa University Press (The First, Second and Third volumes were already published in May). We are going to prepare for the publishing and to research and reprint Jôruri original texts with the aim of publishing the Second period volumes.

> Activity Report

Project: Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan, Asia, and Europe,
The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
1-6-1 Nishi-waseda,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 169-8050 TEL.03-5286-1829
Copyright 2003 The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, all rights reserved
Project: Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan, Asia, and Europe E-mail us