Home On Academic Frontiers Promotion Programme Introduction to Projects Activity Reports 1998-2002 Activity Reports

Introduction to Projects

Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan and Europe
Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan and Asia
Traditional Japanese Theatre Studies-text and image-
Research on modernization of Japanese theatre
 HOME > A Sudy of Folk Performing Arts in Rural China
A Sudy of Folk Performing Arts in Rural China
> Director

> Research Organization
Researcher Affiliation
IGUCHI Junko Associate Professor, Dept of Music, Osaka College of Music
INABA Akiko Part-time Lecturer , School of Social Sciences, Waseda University

> The Objectives of the Study
We investigate folk performing arts in China, and collect photos and related documents to use of them for drama studies. In addition, we exchange opinions with research members on issues of field methodology in modern China. We have already conducted some international joint study projects with some Chinese research organizations. We will arrange many documents which we already collected as useful data for the study. This year we will confirm the distribution of yingxi "Chinese Shadow Puppet Theatre" in Heilongjiang, Liaoning Hubei, Hunan provinces and construct a network between researchers in China.

> Studies for This Year
During the spring and autumn term of university, we will edit the files of images which we collected before and transform them into a DVD disc. On "Chinese shadow puppet theatre" documents, we will gather basic information of the yingxi performance and collect documents and discuss the contents, investigation methods and prospects with the research members.
During the summer and spring vacations: We will visit Chinese shadow puppet theatre players of Heilongjiang and Liaoning province and get the new prospects for documents of Chinese shadow puppet theatre. In addition, on Hubei in which information of the performance could not be confirmed, we will verify the performance activities and presence of local researchers in the field. On Hunan province, we will contact local researchers who collected documents of yingxi and conduct investigation and verification of the documents of yingxi in the Hengshan and the Liuyang district.

> Activity Report

Project: Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan, Asia, and Europe,
The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
1-6-1 Nishi-waseda,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 169-8050 TEL.03-5286-1829
Copyright 2003 The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, all rights reserved
Project: Comparative Theatre Studies between Japan, Asia, and Europe E-mail us